30 second squat hold

1. Stand with feet hip width a part. Arms can be out in front, crossed across your chest or wherever you feel comfortable.
2. Bending both knees lower your bum as if you are going to take a seat on a chair. Depending on your range of motion and flexibility you may find you can go beyond 90 degree angle, if you can do so safely and with good form, do so.
3. Share the weight between your feet and hold for 30 seconds.

Tip – Make sure you keep your chest up and gaze forward. Keep feet flat on floor. You will most likely feel a burn in your legs and they may shake, this is good. Work through it, do not come out of the squat until time is up. If your legs aren’t feeling the burn then you need to stay down for longer!

Target = leg and glute muscles – feel the burn!