Fat is necessary – Yes, I said fat

June 20, 2011 Suzie

LADIES  – FAT is necessary! Now i’ve got your attention.

One of the many physical differences between women and men is the greater amount of fat that women carry; this softens the outline of the muscles, rounding out the surfaces while creating characteristic folds and grooves.
Fat in normal women represents approx between 18-20% of body weight, whereas in men it only represents 10 – 15%.

The main reason for this difference is that women at some point in their lives may fall pregnant. Their body will be nourishing a baby from their own reserves, so women have to stock energy in the form of fat in anticipation of future pregnancies (and must stock even MORE energy during the last two trimesters of pregnancy.)

Interestingly, fat distributions occur in women according to climate. In hot counties, the fat is localised around the bum (African), on the hips (Mediterranean), and around the navel (certain Asian regions). The distribution avoids covering the woman with a heavy coat of fat that would be difficult to bear for long periods of heat.  In cold countries, the distribution of fat provides for better protection during harsh and lengthy winters.

Whichever way the fat is distributed, its main function is for the survival of the species as it provides for survival of the woman and her offspring during time of scarcity.

All healthy people have fat reserves, it is necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Keep that in mind if you find yourself looking in the mirror beating yourself up over your appearance. Yes obesity is a problem, it is an epidemic there is no denying. An unnecessary amount of fat is unhealthy in a colossal amount of ways.

However becoming obsessed with your body and following some fashion trends of the ‘twig’ can lead to problems. In fact the almost complete disappearance of fat can lead to serious hormonal problems including the absence of menstrual cycle (amenorrhea).  This is thanks to evolution, the body will not bring an offspring into the world if the female would not be able to nourish it with her own energy reserves.

Primary fat deposits

•    The buttocks
•    Lower back
•    Hip region -riding breeches, saddle bags, love handles etc.
•    Between the thighs
•    Around the navel (also found in thin women!)
•    Pubic area
•    Knees
•    Back of upper arm (tuckshop lady arms, bat wings etc)
•    Breasts


It is important to love your body. Although there are some parts of your body you may not be able to change or ‘get rid of’ you can definitely improve them with some hard work!