Nice to meet you – I want to lose weight FAST!

April 29, 2011 Suzie

I love meeting new clients.

I have had enough meetings with new clients though to recognise a trend when it comes to weight loss.

I tend to hear the same things quite often. Some have unrealistic ideas about changing their bodies; I think this is largely a result of advertising and the media, which has a lot to answer for.

I would like to share with you a common conversation I have with a new client.

I am meeting a new client for the first time; we sit down and have a chat about goals and the like.

Me – So ___________, what brings you here today?

Client – I really want to lose weight.

Me – Ok weight loss is a great goal to have to get fitter and healthier, do you have an idea l weight in mind that you would like to be?

Client – Like 15kg I reckon, maybe more

(client does not have 15kg to lose, more like 6-8 at the most)

Me – That is a big goal, how about we start off by taking that goal and breaking it down into smaller goals, making it specific and measurable?

Client – Ok i’d like to lose 10kg by next month, it’s my birthday party, can I do that?

Me – Unfortunately that may be a bit unrealistic and unsafe. It does depend on an individual’s body and how they respond to a change to a healthier diet and exercise, but for a woman of your height and size I would say anywhere from 0.5 to 1kg a week would be realistic and ideal.

Client – But I could lose more?

Me– yes you may, but keep in mind at first your initial loss could be fluid so there may be more of a loss on the scales after that it may slow down. On the flip side your body may take a bit of time to get used to a change in diet and/or exercise.

Client – I’m aiming to lose 2kg a week, so that would be 8kg, that’s not bad. I also want to lose it from my tummy and my legs. I don’t want to lose it from anywhere else, my arms are skinny and I don’t want to lose my boobs so I really just want to lose this (client grabs hold of her stomach) and this (client slaps her outer thighs) ok?

Me – Client I wish I had a magic wand and could remove fat from those areas, heck i’d be over the moon and do it for myself, but unfortunately the body doesn’t work like that. It will choose where the weight comes off, for some people weight comes off their stomachs first and for others it’s the last place. It’s a bit of wait and see really.

Client looks disappointed and deflated

Me – However what we can do is aim to put on lean muscle by designing a weights program for you, this will not only increase your strength but it will turn your body into a fat burning machine long term. One kilo of lean muscle burns 100calories a day for doing absolutely nothing. It will also give your body a nice firm texture as you drop body fat at the same time. It’s an exciting time. Especially because you are so new to exercise I think your body will gain a lot from the introduction of a training program and altering your diet to some healthier choices.

Client– I just want to work on my stomach and legs, I don’t want to do any weights that will make me big and bulky, my legs are big enough. So just those areas please, I have to fit into my new dress in a month.

I take a moment to wonder if anything I said had been understood and as she points to her legs and her stomach again and sighs I have a feeling I have some educating to do.