The Benefits of Hula Hooping

February 29, 2012 Suzie

Can a childhood pass-time really be good for your health? Hula Hooping DOES have benefits!

A few years ago I had a client start with me, she was quite overweight and unfit at the time. During my assessment session I asked her was she currently exercising to which she said yes, 5 times a week. Wow I thought maybe this girl will surprise me with her fitness tests. I proceeded by asking what type of exercise she did, “I hula hoop one hundred times and I do that a few times a week”.  A little part of me died inside. I held a straight face and asked if she did anything else “nope” she replied. The basic fitness testing turned out to be too challenging for her and we had to take several brakes.

From that day I formed an attitude against hula hooping for fitness benefits, sure it would be fun but I couldn’t see any real benefits from a trainer perspective. Fast forward a few years to my friend’s wedding. I was aware that my friend had taken up hula hooping, i’d seen some photos and I thought it looked pretty good. At her wedding she performed a fantastic routine using two hula hoops, she was using her whole body and it was seriously impressive. Not to mention she also looked fantastic, physically, her body had changed.

Right now i’m still sceptical. I’ve looked into it and found that hula hooping gives you the following benefits:

  • Aerobic fitness – that is if you use a weighted hoop and can maintain for over 10 mins
  • Improves coordination and balance – improving balance will help prevent falls as you get older and can be used to cross over into different sports i.e dancing/basketball
  • Strengthens core muscles – hula hooping works and strengthens your entire core, stabilising your body, improving posture and preventing lower back injuries
  • Weight loss – I am not sure I support this one, they say that if you hula for 30mins you burn between 200-400 cal. I’m just not a believer yet. Please don’t only rely on hooping to achieve your weight loss goals otherwise you will be disappointed. Can you do it as well as other exercise? By all means!
  • It’s fun – let’s reconnect with our inner child and get swinging!


So even though i’ve done the research and support that hula hooping would increase core strength, coordination and balance I am still not satisfied. That is why I am going to find out for myself… any excuse to have some fun! 🙂


I will keep you updated on my hula hooping progress. Wish me luck!



(photo credit to my dog, dinner)