May 14, 2012 Suzie

This mother’s day was particularly special. I had a great group of people join me for the Mother’s day Classic which is a fun run/walk to raise money for breast cancer.

I felt so proud and happy for all my clients, friends and family who joined in for the event. It was a great morning, great atmosphere and we helped raise money for a great cause.

It’s a great feeling setting a goal and achieving it. Nothing beats the feeling as you cross the finish line – except that big drink of water you have right after it πŸ™‚

Well done to everyone, you should be proud of yourself! πŸ™‚

Check out some of the photos from the day here.




May 9, 2012 Suzie

I think my boyfriend is famous in Korea. We’ll get to that in a minute.

Last Saturday my boyfriend and I went on an adventure day thanks to a great daily deal. We were part of a group of overseas tourists in our own country which I found interesting and an eye opener. I haven’t had Sydney explained to me like an overseas traveller and I did not know that Gosford is pretty much only famous for carpooling… i’m sure it must be known for something else??

I love observing people and when we were enjoying our dolphin watching cruise it seemed that other people liked observing us too. I couldn’t help but notice a group of middle aged Korean ladies at a table in front of us clad with the brightest tracksuits i’ve ever seen. After we’d been sitting a little while Mark says to me, “I think that lady is filming me” and it was in fact true, one of the Korean ladies was holding her camera in the direction of Mark with the red light on and staying very still, I could put this down to coincidence except the only camera worthy thing behind Mark was in fact a wall. We had a bit of a giggle and kept on chatting. The next thing we know one of the Korean women had got up, approached our table and sat down next to Mark without saying a word, feeling quite awkward I looked at her Mark looked at me and the rest of fluro tracksuit bunch were looking at us all… with cameras.

The little lady sitting next to Mark edged closer and closer to him and one of her friends had the camera ready to take a photo. Now this could have been a truly awkward moment (well it was anyway) but instead of questioning and backing away Mark with his ever so down to earth nature and charm put his arm around her to take the photo and this absolutely made her day. She squealed in delight and grabbed at Mark’s hand like he was a rock star, I couldn’t help but laugh. You could not wipe the smile off her face. Then she got up and went back to her friends and they all thought it was hilarious and wonderful. What had just happened??

The remarkable thing was that it was all done with no verbal communication. Mark was able to make someone’s day without saying a word.

Then our little friend returned about 30 minutes later with a packet of, well to be honest I still don’t know what they were, super fried crisp things with cinnamon. The Korean version of chips! She came up to our table and offered us some, we both politely took one and said thank you, then the lady grabbed Mark’s hand and tipped a sizeable amount in it. She had just made his day in return, he thought they tasted great. Again all done without any verbal communication at all.

So what had happened? Were we the target of some social experimentation? A joke maybe? Or is Mark truly famous in Korea? Either way it madeΒ  me have a think, it does not take a lot of effort to be nice to people. Something that is so mundane such as opening a door for someone, smiling at a stranger, letting someone with less items than you go ahead at the supermarket could make a huge impact.

Be nice and open minded to others, you never know you just might be making their day πŸ˜‰

Final thought – I wonder if Mark ends up on Youtube or in a Korean tabloid magazine.



picture used courtesy of ellohollywood

April 30, 2012 Suzie

Would you rather look like a supermodel or an athlete?

I was in the magazine section of the shops the other day and I started flicking through the girly fashion mags and felt very bored. Now let me put into context, it seemed like page after page was filled with stick thin girls with vacant expressions. I couldn’t imagine liking let alone wearing any of the clothes they were wearing because they seemed so far removed from reality.

This isn’t a tirade against the fashion industry promoting sickly thin models, that topic has been done to death. Plus, what is normal? Have we become such an obese society that plus size is now the norm and should be promoted? I’ll steer away now before I get myself in trouble.

The thing about the magazines that got me is, what do we actually believe to be attractive? Is it what we think men want us to be or how we view ourselves and other women?

When I think attractive and sexy when it comes to women I think of someone like Jessica Biel, now there is one foxy lady! She works hard for her body and it shows. A body like that doesn’t just happen, she trains hard and I find that inspiring. When you look at her she screams health and fitness and looks pretty much capable of doing anything. So for more inspiration I have provided some more pics below.

Would you rather look like a skeleton covered in skin or a strong healthy woman?


April 26, 2012 Suzie

‘Top 5 reasons healthy eating rocks!’ – wow that enthusiasm felt a little cheerleadery didn’t it. Let’s roll with it!

Ok so I had my little rant as to why dieting sucks ( diet meaning restricted eating) now I want to tell you why you want to do it.

At the risk of sounding cheesy eating healthy really can change your life drastically, for the better.

I’m not new to healthy eating, i’ve been doing it for quite a while now, but like most people i’m prone to indulging and in some cases (cue christmas), over indulging. But this new way of restricted eating doesn’t allow such things. I’m using the opportunity to explore the pros and cons of dieting. Hopefully in this article I showcase the benefits of eating healthy.

While I found restricted eating very hard at first, hence my previous posting, now i’d like to share with you all the positive aspects.

I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again – you don’t know how good you feel until you feel like crap. It’s so true, I think we take it for granted.

Here are my top 5 reasons why healthy eating rocks!


1. Health benefits

Adding years to your life, reducing your risk of lifestyle diseases such as type 2 diabetes, reducing cardiovascular disease. Improving immune system, digestive system, the list goes on and on.Β  My personal favourites that you notice early are increased energy and improved sleep!


2. Physical benefits

Even though good health is the most important thing anyone can ever have, it’s the physical benefits that people get most excited about. When you start seeing the benefits of your hard work, it is the best feeling ever! Let me run through some of them, weight loss (who doesn’t like a bit of that), reducing body fat, radiant skin – yep I said radiant, it’s smooth, clear and has a glow. Stronger nails, nicer hair, flatter stomach and that ‘firm’ feeling, nothing beats the feeling when you drop fluid weight and you feel your new firmer body, that’s where the muscles were hiding! Because you have more energy you’re able to be more active, only adding to your benefits.


3. Save money

I’m sorry but I disagree in the most part with those people who say that eating healthy is too expensive. Bull. Maybe look at your choices. I’ve been making recipes for 4 people and most of them cost less than $20 in total, last weeks roast chicken was about $10 in total with vegetables and left overs for the next day. When you’re in a food court, that’s a different story, a healthy lunch can cost about $15 as opposed to a cheap and nasty burger, fries and soft drink meal… I can see why people fall into the trap. Since eating restricted i’ve eaten most meals at home or prepared them at home to take with me. This has saved me money and I have still found ways to socialise. Saved money is going towards new clothes of the smaller size variety πŸ˜‰


4. Good influence

I’m not forcing anyone around me to eat the way I do. But I am finding it is kind of rubbing off. Those close to me aren’t eating thingsΒ  i’d be tempted by around me and told me they’ve cut them out also. My boyfriend is eating healthy too which is a big support. Since I am doing a lot of cooking at home, those who want to be fed must eat my super healthy stuff (they can add whatever they like to it). I’ve had no complaints so far!Β  When you eat healthy you are showing those around you the benefits and that it is possible for them to achieve those benefits also. Don’t ram the message down their throat, instead be a good example.


5. Liberation

Now this one sounds a little silly, but after you refuse foods for quite a while you build strength. This sounds overdramatic I know. But resisting and ditching old food habits makes way for new ones. I’m looking at the positive side, I’ve now learnt exactly what goes into foods and the effect they have on the body. I now have new cooking skills which I didn’t have before, i’m better at flavouring my food naturally and how to make natural fresh healthy food super yummy. I don’t feel tied down to any cravings, yep I used to get cravings for chocolate as most people do I think, but I now know that the world won’t fall apart if I don’t have it.


There are my top 5 reasons, although I really don’t think it’s possible to put into words just how fantastic it can be. Your health and physical benefits far outweigh anything else. The best way I can describe it is that when you are fit and healthy and eating foods that agree with your body, you are like a superhero…. yes, just roll with it for a second. A super hero because you realise that you can do everything with ease, things that used to feel hard for you feel super easy, and with extra energy you really do almost feel super human. Everything is easier, clearer and achievable when you’re fit and healthy.

Ok that’s enough cheese πŸ™‚


April 23, 2012 Suzie

Word of warning, slight vent ahead!

Without going into too much detail I am having to follow a strict diet for a while for health reasons (nothing serious!) and the process has inspired this post.

This is not a post about why dieting isn’t good for your weight, how it will make you yo yo and put weight back on. It is not about fad diets that are crazy and extreme and not good for your health at all. I am using the word diet in this post in terms of restricted eating, not because I want to lose weight.

I’ve been on a lot of diets in my youth, i’ve wanted to try them all to find the secret to quick weight loss. Now, as a trainer I wish I could go back in time slap myself with some sense. Dieting by your own choice is one thing but having to eat a certain way due to medical reasons is another. I have so much more respect and empathy for these people now, how frustrating it must be to live with it.

Trust me you have no idea what food actually contains until you are restricted. So here are my top 5 reasons why diets suck


1. Eating out and celebrations

When trying to choose healthy options in the past I looked at it like I was doing a good thing for myself, I was looking after my body and it was my choice to do so. When you’re restricted on a diet you are not allowed certain foods therefore the freedom of choice is taken. Recently I found myself in 2 predicaments. 1 – I went out to dinner with friends and knowing this in advance I looked up the restaurant’s menu online and chose the best option. In reality what came out of the kitchen wasn’t as healthy as it described in the menu which was very frustrating. 2 -At the next dinner out I asked the waitor for a side salad with no dressing which they declined, seriously how much does a few pieces of lettuce cost??! Having to sit at the table while everyone ate garlic bread was just cruel but hey the ordeal was over with within 10 minutes and then I forgot about it.

Socialising is heavily related to food. I control what I can but what about those things you can’t? Parties, weddings, events? Times you can’t control what food is offered? It’s quite isolating and you often feel like you are being rude for refusing food.


2. Peer pressure

There’s something about when your friend goes on a diet, you just want to convince them not to, that they don’t need to they look fine the way they are. That what they’re doing is silly and unnecessary “go on, just have one piece/sip/plate” “why are you dieting for? Don’t get skinny!” Is it that people genuinely don’t understand or that they don’t want you to succeed? I have to say though, when restricted eating is for your health the pressure is mostly taken off.


3. Temptation

I don’t think i’ve ever noticed how many temptations there are around me in my everyday life. All of a sudden everything is amplified. People walking past you with a coffee, what’s in people’s trolley’s at the supermarket, the smells out of people’s homes as they cook dinner as your walking/running past, a mother feeding their child a sandwich for heavens sake! People offering me temptations is the worst, it also falls under the ‘being rude by refusing’ umbrella. I must admit that temptations die down after a while, it’s just the idea of it that is appealing. Try attending multiple birthday parties and having to eat your own lame fruit salad in lieu of cake… I still thought the fruit was beautiful though!


4. Wanting what you can’t have

Isn’t this, as humans, How we function? The grass is always greener and what not? At first, when I was told I couldn’t have bread I was upset, I don’t know why seeing as I don’t eat bread anyway, but the pure fact that I wasn’t allowed depressed me. Mental strength anyone? I started craving all sorts of random stuff purely because it was on the No No list, luckily that too has subsided.


5. Boring

Enough said.


This is not an all bad post, if you can read between the lines you picked up that i’ve got a handle on it right? Right? In all seriousness, following a diet can be hard. If you do not have to do so for medical reasons then I advise against it, it can cause health problems and weight gain. Instead, why not CHOOSE to eat healthy, you are not restricted, you can have whatever you want but you CHOOSE not to. You indulge every now and then, that’s normal, but you eat sensibly and eat to fuel your body with highly nutritious foods.

Stay tuned, i’m about to flip this article on it’s head… πŸ™‚


If you related to this article, please share the good vibes by sharing this article via the buttons below πŸ™‚


April 16, 2012 Suzie

Amongst my friends I am probably known as that annoying one who always makes them walk when they ask me for coffee or lunch etc. it’s just what I do. I’ve fondly named them ‘walkie talkies’ πŸ™‚

I’m all for catch ups, I love them, they are fundamental to a healthy and functioning friendship. What I don’t like however is the food and drink that usually goes hand in hand with a catch up. If it’s during the day and the situation is appropriate let’s go for a walk. Yep get outside, pound the pavement and get up to speed on all the goss and news events of my friend’s lives.

People will argue that this is not real exercise. Well even though it’s not a tough workout it sure as hell is better for my arse than sitting on it.

Think of all the benefits of walking…

  • Using your leg muscles
  • Depending on speed, getting your heart rate up and therefore training aerobically
  • Stretches out your body, improving mobility and flexibility
  • Being outside gives you a nice dose of Vitamin D
  • Breaks up your day
  • Relieves stress
  • Getting out in the fresh air can clear your head
  • Sharing your walk with a friend makes it go faster and you are also multi-tasking, exercising whilst having a goo old chat!


Try it out, your purse and bum/hips/thighs will thank you for it πŸ˜‰


April 12, 2012 Suzie


Number 2. Seated lower backΒ  twist

This is a nice easy and subtle stretch you can do at your desk. If done properly you should feel a nice stretch all the way up your spine, which feels amazing if you’ve been in a fixed position at your desk.


1. Sit up nice and tall in your chair, feet flat on the floor

2. Keeping your hips still, twist your torso to one side as far as your range of motion allows, place hand to steady yourself on either arm rests of the base of the base of chair.

3. Ensure you are keeping your good posture throughout stretch. Keep your neck in line with your spine.

4. Take a deep breath in and on your slow exhale try gently to twist deeper into your stretch. Do not force the stretch.

5. Hold for approx 3 slow breaths then release and repeat on other side.


Keep moving people and keep your body mobile and happy!! πŸ™‚


March 29, 2012 Suzie

This poster is stuck on the back of my toilet door. For real.

AsΒ  a personal trainer I am required to update my CPR (cardio pulmonary resuscitation) every year and also our full first aid every couple of years. When I first did the course I was interested but really didn’t want to be spending my whole weekend indoors, I had better things to do, or so I thought. Now slightly more mature I’ve taken a different attitude. I just recently updated my CPR (which was only half a day, yes!) and it has changed my outlook on things. I could potentially save somebody’s life, that’s huge!

This time round our instructor made us think of real life situations, it’s all well and good to know how many compressions and breaths to give (30 compressions, 2 breaths) but how would we react under pressure? I don’t know about you but if I saw a loved one collapse and stop breathing I’m not sure I would be talking as calmly as I was to the dunmy I was practising on. The instructor made us role play and visualise our loved ones, I tell you what it definately struck a chord.

When I came home I told anyone who would listen that it was 30 compressions and 2 breaths and how to locate the correct position on the chest. (there are many ways but the easiest is to put you hand under one of their armpits, their arms straight, then slide towards the middle). So eager to educate I got my boyfriend to practise ( i’m not being rude, just bossy).

I kept the information fresh in my head from that day, sometimes picturing situations and figuring out how I would deal with it. It also hit me… I knew that I knew what to do, but did anyone else? If I collapsed would anyone know how to help me? Thus the installation of the poster on the back of the toilet door for some good reading and memorising!

Just the other day I was babysitting my 5 month old nephew, giving him his bottle he started choking. My sister had told me he’d done it before, so somehow I was comforted by that. The poor baby, his face was tomato red, eyes watering and coughing with his little tongue out, trying super hard to clear it. At first I had a panicky sick feeling in my stomach, I love this little cutie, I even asked him if he was ok… yep I asked my 5 month old nephew for a verbal response. Then I told myself to relax, get him at a helpful angle and let his little body do the work. His body knew what to do, it was trying hard to clear the choking, and you know what, he did.

Of course the poster does not substitute the actual course. I recommend the course to anyone, you don’t just have to be in an industry that requires it, you are a person who could potentially save the life of another person; it’s a good skill to know!

Would you know what to do if your partner, mother, father, sister, brother, cousin, friend collapsed? If you passed a random person lying on the floor in a public place, would you help?

Whilst I hope I never have to use it, I feel confident that placed in a situation that required it, I could make a difference… could you?

For more information on courses (I use Reviva) click here


Please share this post to raise the awareness of CPR and how you can help a loved one or stranger. Life is prescious xo


March 26, 2012 Suzie


Office workers have the tightest muscles out of all my clients. With long hours in front of a computer, poorly set up work stations, lack of exercise and stretching it’s no wonder.

Think about the lives of most workers. We get up, sit in a car or mode of transport to get to work, sit at a desk, sit down to get home, get home and sit in front of the tv. No wonder we’re tight!

The first thing I would suggest is to get your work area assessed to make sure it is set up for you ergonomically to reduce risk of aches, pain and injury.

I’m giving you some really basic stretches that you can do in the office that won’t draw too much attention to yourself! By incorporating stretches into your daily work routine you are increasing your flexibility, improving circulation, reducing pain and aches, reducing risk of injuries such as rsi and improving everyday mobility.

Number 1. Seated back stretch.

This is a nice lengthening stretch for your back and slightly your hamstrings too.










1. Sitting up nice and tall in your chair, palms on your thighs

2. Lengthen your legs out, feet together

3. Inhale, on your exhale slide your hands down your legs towards your feet, keep head down.

4. Keep reaching for your toes, a few deep breaths here

5. Very slowly and controlled roll your body up, straightening one vertebrae at a time.

6. At the top give a nice shoulder roll



Share the love by sharing this post for all those tight office workers out there πŸ™‚

March 12, 2012 Suzie

Sometimes when I haven’t done something I’m supposed to do I use the excuse “I just didn’t have the time” is that really the case or did I just not prioritise and organise myself correctly?

After reading this article I felt quite lazy and unambitious!

Read me


Hat’s off to ladies who seem to manage it all πŸ™‚