Category: Your Health

April 16, 2012 Suzie

Amongst my friends I am probably known as that annoying one who always makes them walk when they ask me for coffee or lunch etc. it’s just what I do. I’ve fondly named them ‘walkie talkies’ 🙂

I’m all for catch ups, I love them, they are fundamental to a healthy and functioning friendship. What I don’t like however is the food and drink that usually goes hand in hand with a catch up. If it’s during the day and the situation is appropriate let’s go for a walk. Yep get outside, pound the pavement and get up to speed on all the goss and news events of my friend’s lives.

People will argue that this is not real exercise. Well even though it’s not a tough workout it sure as hell is better for my arse than sitting on it.

Think of all the benefits of walking…

  • Using your leg muscles
  • Depending on speed, getting your heart rate up and therefore training aerobically
  • Stretches out your body, improving mobility and flexibility
  • Being outside gives you a nice dose of Vitamin D
  • Breaks up your day
  • Relieves stress
  • Getting out in the fresh air can clear your head
  • Sharing your walk with a friend makes it go faster and you are also multi-tasking, exercising whilst having a goo old chat!


Try it out, your purse and bum/hips/thighs will thank you for it 😉


April 12, 2012 Suzie


Number 2. Seated lower back  twist

This is a nice easy and subtle stretch you can do at your desk. If done properly you should feel a nice stretch all the way up your spine, which feels amazing if you’ve been in a fixed position at your desk.


1. Sit up nice and tall in your chair, feet flat on the floor

2. Keeping your hips still, twist your torso to one side as far as your range of motion allows, place hand to steady yourself on either arm rests of the base of the base of chair.

3. Ensure you are keeping your good posture throughout stretch. Keep your neck in line with your spine.

4. Take a deep breath in and on your slow exhale try gently to twist deeper into your stretch. Do not force the stretch.

5. Hold for approx 3 slow breaths then release and repeat on other side.


Keep moving people and keep your body mobile and happy!! 🙂


March 29, 2012 Suzie

This poster is stuck on the back of my toilet door. For real.

As  a personal trainer I am required to update my CPR (cardio pulmonary resuscitation) every year and also our full first aid every couple of years. When I first did the course I was interested but really didn’t want to be spending my whole weekend indoors, I had better things to do, or so I thought. Now slightly more mature I’ve taken a different attitude. I just recently updated my CPR (which was only half a day, yes!) and it has changed my outlook on things. I could potentially save somebody’s life, that’s huge!

This time round our instructor made us think of real life situations, it’s all well and good to know how many compressions and breaths to give (30 compressions, 2 breaths) but how would we react under pressure? I don’t know about you but if I saw a loved one collapse and stop breathing I’m not sure I would be talking as calmly as I was to the dunmy I was practising on. The instructor made us role play and visualise our loved ones, I tell you what it definately struck a chord.

When I came home I told anyone who would listen that it was 30 compressions and 2 breaths and how to locate the correct position on the chest. (there are many ways but the easiest is to put you hand under one of their armpits, their arms straight, then slide towards the middle). So eager to educate I got my boyfriend to practise ( i’m not being rude, just bossy).

I kept the information fresh in my head from that day, sometimes picturing situations and figuring out how I would deal with it. It also hit me… I knew that I knew what to do, but did anyone else? If I collapsed would anyone know how to help me? Thus the installation of the poster on the back of the toilet door for some good reading and memorising!

Just the other day I was babysitting my 5 month old nephew, giving him his bottle he started choking. My sister had told me he’d done it before, so somehow I was comforted by that. The poor baby, his face was tomato red, eyes watering and coughing with his little tongue out, trying super hard to clear it. At first I had a panicky sick feeling in my stomach, I love this little cutie, I even asked him if he was ok… yep I asked my 5 month old nephew for a verbal response. Then I told myself to relax, get him at a helpful angle and let his little body do the work. His body knew what to do, it was trying hard to clear the choking, and you know what, he did.

Of course the poster does not substitute the actual course. I recommend the course to anyone, you don’t just have to be in an industry that requires it, you are a person who could potentially save the life of another person; it’s a good skill to know!

Would you know what to do if your partner, mother, father, sister, brother, cousin, friend collapsed? If you passed a random person lying on the floor in a public place, would you help?

Whilst I hope I never have to use it, I feel confident that placed in a situation that required it, I could make a difference… could you?

For more information on courses (I use Reviva) click here


Please share this post to raise the awareness of CPR and how you can help a loved one or stranger. Life is prescious xo


March 26, 2012 Suzie


Office workers have the tightest muscles out of all my clients. With long hours in front of a computer, poorly set up work stations, lack of exercise and stretching it’s no wonder.

Think about the lives of most workers. We get up, sit in a car or mode of transport to get to work, sit at a desk, sit down to get home, get home and sit in front of the tv. No wonder we’re tight!

The first thing I would suggest is to get your work area assessed to make sure it is set up for you ergonomically to reduce risk of aches, pain and injury.

I’m giving you some really basic stretches that you can do in the office that won’t draw too much attention to yourself! By incorporating stretches into your daily work routine you are increasing your flexibility, improving circulation, reducing pain and aches, reducing risk of injuries such as rsi and improving everyday mobility.

Number 1. Seated back stretch.

This is a nice lengthening stretch for your back and slightly your hamstrings too.










1. Sitting up nice and tall in your chair, palms on your thighs

2. Lengthen your legs out, feet together

3. Inhale, on your exhale slide your hands down your legs towards your feet, keep head down.

4. Keep reaching for your toes, a few deep breaths here

5. Very slowly and controlled roll your body up, straightening one vertebrae at a time.

6. At the top give a nice shoulder roll



Share the love by sharing this post for all those tight office workers out there 🙂

February 29, 2012 Suzie

Can a childhood pass-time really be good for your health? Hula Hooping DOES have benefits!

A few years ago I had a client start with me, she was quite overweight and unfit at the time. During my assessment session I asked her was she currently exercising to which she said yes, 5 times a week. Wow I thought maybe this girl will surprise me with her fitness tests. I proceeded by asking what type of exercise she did, “I hula hoop one hundred times and I do that a few times a week”.  A little part of me died inside. I held a straight face and asked if she did anything else “nope” she replied. The basic fitness testing turned out to be too challenging for her and we had to take several brakes.

From that day I formed an attitude against hula hooping for fitness benefits, sure it would be fun but I couldn’t see any real benefits from a trainer perspective. Fast forward a few years to my friend’s wedding. I was aware that my friend had taken up hula hooping, i’d seen some photos and I thought it looked pretty good. At her wedding she performed a fantastic routine using two hula hoops, she was using her whole body and it was seriously impressive. Not to mention she also looked fantastic, physically, her body had changed.

Right now i’m still sceptical. I’ve looked into it and found that hula hooping gives you the following benefits:

  • Aerobic fitness – that is if you use a weighted hoop and can maintain for over 10 mins
  • Improves coordination and balance – improving balance will help prevent falls as you get older and can be used to cross over into different sports i.e dancing/basketball
  • Strengthens core muscles – hula hooping works and strengthens your entire core, stabilising your body, improving posture and preventing lower back injuries
  • Weight loss – I am not sure I support this one, they say that if you hula for 30mins you burn between 200-400 cal. I’m just not a believer yet. Please don’t only rely on hooping to achieve your weight loss goals otherwise you will be disappointed. Can you do it as well as other exercise? By all means!
  • It’s fun – let’s reconnect with our inner child and get swinging!


So even though i’ve done the research and support that hula hooping would increase core strength, coordination and balance I am still not satisfied. That is why I am going to find out for myself… any excuse to have some fun! 🙂


I will keep you updated on my hula hooping progress. Wish me luck!



(photo credit to my dog, dinner)

February 15, 2012 Suzie

Are you aware of the food you are eating, I mean really aware? What it tastes like, how it makes your body feel, are you full, are you just eating for the sake of it?

This article is a little reminder to be more aware of our food and what we are putting into our bodies. With some simple tips you can control your eating and curb overeating and nasty little habits that have crept their way into your daily routine.

Have a read and see if any of these tips would benefit you and your eating habits.

Read me



(photo care of scrumdillyicious)


February 1, 2012 Suzie

When a new season of Biggest Loser comes to air I know i’m in for two things. 1. Lot’s of questions from clients 2. Some new clients

Now I’m not one for controversy, this post is not to slam the show at all. I think there are both positives and negatives to the show and hopefully viewers are affected by the positives. I just want to discuss a few things that usually get asked and hopefully clear up any confusions or misconceptions.

I used to watch the Biggest Loser when it first started, I oohed and ahhed at the weight loss each week and even though watching the show usually made me hungry I was still inspired. I think motivation is probably the best thing to come out of that show. Without fail during every season I would get asked lots of questions by clients and gym goers and the gym would always see an influx of new clientele inspired by the show.

But then reality set in. Clients who were disgruntled they werent achieving the same results as contestants got demotivated and those new clientele quickly dropped off as they realised the work involved.

Here are my issues… The show is built for entertainment. They only show the big dramatic and often dangerous workouts or challenges that impress and amaze audiences. I look at these people who are in heart attack territory pulling a plane and I wonder how on earth they are not exploding from the strain. The show would not draw in the same audiences if you saw the trainers giving them safe boring workouts and all the stablising and structural integrity work contestants would need and i’m sure the trainers give them. It just doesn’t make for good TV.

Viewers see the contestants in a half hour show and at the end of the week dropping significant and dare I say sometimes ridiculous amounts of weight. Well here’s the thing, these people are in a 24 hour facility, I don’t know about you but most people don’t have 8 hours a day to exercise. Another thing, the weigh ins aren’t weekly, contestants have a bit more than a week to drop that weight.

The weight loss being represented is dramatic and unrealistic. The weigh in I just watched showed a man (given he was 240 odd kilos) shed 12.4kgs in a ‘week’.  It worries me that people see that and think it’s ok. This is not ok people and does not represent a realistic achievment for the average viewer.

When you lose weight too fast your body can’t handle it, in fact it releases toxins into the body. This can lead to problems. Anyone hear of the past contestants who have had kidney failure, needed gall bladders out? Not to mention the injuries sustained during training? Losing a great deal of weight too quickly, although desireable, is not safe for the body.

I have to say I actually miss the old version of the Biggest Loser, where we saw what contestants were eating and we learnt with them what foods were good and ideas of how to make lifestyle changes. Now sadly it seems that format has been replaced by pure ‘game’ playing and bigger than big fitness challenges.

Ok that seems like a bit of a rant, so here is something positive. I like the fact that The Biggest Loser is a motivator. It reaches people who look at themselves and think they could never change, it shows them it is possible (dramatic, but possible). Trainers on the show like Michelle Bridges have also been able to use the show as their platform and really expand. Along with books Michelle Bridges offers the 12 week Body Transformation 12wbt. Which has helped thousands achieve their goals, you only have to have a look at Twitter to see the kind of following and success stories she has created.

Not to jump the fence entirely, I recently watched the new weight loss show Excess Baggage. I am keeping my opinions close guarded as I have only watched the very first episode. But I would like to share the positives I found from that first episode. I am intrigued that there are no diets or calorie counting, and contestants CHOOSE to participate in workouts. The idea being that it is all up to them and they are the ones who have to choose to change their lives and act upon it. I was also impressed at the dinner when contestants chose their own dinner and their nutritionist/judge Dr Joanna explained what good quality food was. One of the very first things she said was when you lose a lot of weight too quickly you’re losing muscle as well as fat. Thank you Joanna! She insisted on no calorie counting or eating bland boring foods, she explained the benefits of protein, low gi foods and fibre. I was impressed at the educating approach. Finally I was impressed when they met their Physical trainer and Coach Christian and he explained that it’s not about how much weight you lose but the lfiestyle changes you make. I am interested to see how this show pans out.

For people out there who are watching these shows, please remember that these contestants are doing this full time and have expert help at hand. Don’t put pressure on yourself to lose the same amount of weight as them. This is your life and everyone is different. I hope, if you are watching these shows, that you use them as motivation to help yourself.



January 23, 2012 Suzie

I was recently asked the question “does running a km burn the same amount of energy as walking a km?”

Well my very first answer was – it depends. Yes I know this phrase gets used a lot but its true, nothing in the world of health and fitness is ever set in concrete as it is always changing.

My next answer was a question – how fast were they going? Running or jogging a km is one thing, but walking with increased pace, intervals, hills is another and can be just as challenging.

Although a little bit frustrating as the answer isn’t black and white the article below takes you through an experiment and explains scientifically what is going on with energy expenditure.

Read me

My favourite way to look at getting the most out of your workout is ask yourself – how does this make me feel? If I could walk for hours at a constant pace then i’m not going very fast or challenging my fitness levels.

Whatever you are doing good on you for moving 🙂 the next step is to get the most out of your efforts!



(photo credit: iStockphoto/Josef Volavka)

January 16, 2012 Suzie

“…if you want to get fatter, just go on a diet and wait for a bit”

I’m not a fan of diets. I will not lie to you I have tried a lot of diets. I have a very strong memory of sitting in a food court as a teenger opening up a big mac and just eating the meat and lettuce.  A lady looked at me strangely which caused my friend sitting next to me to say “she’s on a diet”. What a stupid thing to do, a stupid concept, yep sausages for breakfast is fine just don’t think about eating any fruit or veggies. Why on earth did I believe all the hoo haa? Well I didn’t lose weight, I was miserable and stayed fat, just waiting for the next diet.

Some diets out there are  reasonable, whilst others make me laugh & cry and feel full of pity for people believing them. Even the notion of a diet, a diet is something you go on and off, whilst healthy eating is permanent and will not cause a yo yo effect.

Enough of my little rant, the article below  explains the detrimental affect dieting  has on your health (and waistline!)

Read me


January 11, 2012 Suzie

I don’t believe there is enough awareness for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is a essentially a hormonal disorder where there is an imbalance in a females sex hormones.

To be quite honest with you until I became a personal trainer I didn’t know a great deal about PCOS. Through my studies we learnt nothing of it, there wasn’t even a great deal of emphasis at all placed on the role hormones played in the body. I think that is silly as hormones can play such a big role in a persons health and their weight.

Without getting too in depth (i’ll save that for the science links below should you wish to know more) we have a very delicate balance of hormones in our bodies, each playing a very important part to the functioning of our bodies. If this delicate balance is shifted in anyway it can cause various health problems and a great deal of frustration to women.

From my knowledge and experience I now know that if there is  a hormonal issue with a client you will have little luck changing their weight or physique unless the hormone issue is dealt with first.  Having too much androgen (male hormone) will not go away by increasing your exercise. I’ve seen clients punish themselves with gruelling workouts only to get frustrated when they hop on the scales and nothing changes. Yet through all the disappointment they refuse to seek medical help and find out the true cause.

This is a generalisation but if you are eating correctly, exercising correctly and have a healthy lifestyle and you are still greatly overweight and nothing changes then there is something else going on. Please trust me when I say your best bet is to go see a doctor or an experienced naturopath (who performs apropriate testing) and find out what is going on in your body.

I had a client a few years  ago who would not lose weight, we upped her exercise changed her eating habits and still nothing would happen. Was my client lying to me? I didn’t believe so, it was only when she saw her doctor for testing that they discovered she had PCOS. After surgery (surgery was needed in her case) she found it easier to lose weight.

Just recently I discovered another client had PCOS. I had my suspicions for some time that something deeper was going on. Over about 6 months her weight increased, coincidently her stress also increased dramatically. We focused on stress management and healthy eating to improve her wellbeing. We improved eating and increased exercise and documented these areas.  Coming close to a year of gradually stacking on weight and unable to control stress I repeatedly asked her to see her doctor for a full blood test. I knew something wasn’t right. Her family doctor refused testing and told her she wasn’t working hard enough. This really ticked me off, I was angry at the backwards and ignorant attitude and insisted she seek another doctor. After proper testing my client was diagnosed with PCOS.

It is important to listen to your body and know when something isn’t right. If you are putting in the effort and the health benefits aren’t being produced seek further advice and medical help. Don’t ever let a doctor dismiss your concerns, if you are not happy find another doctor. The doctor isn’t paying for the testing out of their own pocket so there is no reason they should refuse you and you should not have access to proper testing.

I have had more clients with hormonal issues (not just PCOS) than I have liked, I wish it was as simple to wave a wand and make the hormone levels right. But I will say this, if you have a problem do something about it, there are people and methods which can help you.

For more information on PCOS visit here

For some more sciencey info here you go


Please share this article to women you know to increase awareness about PCOS and that there are people to support you and ways to help.