Facing the truth about your health

October 3, 2012 Suzie

Sometimes people need a slap in the face. Ok maybe not quite so violent, perhaps a little shake, when it comes to facing the facts about health.

Some people tell themselves their bad habits are fine, normal, not harmful and happy to continue. I’ve been guilty of doing it myself. Maybe your wanting or needing a wake up call….

Here’s an extract from my book Empower Lifestyle Upgrade. I encourage people to really take  their time reading this and absorbing it:

Face the facts, the truth, the reality
You may not be able to read the following page.
This page tells you the truth. I am not here to lie to you, to sell you a quick fix.
You need to be told the truth and accept it as reality.
If you are ready to read this page and absorb it, then you are ready to change.

• Your body will not change unless you put in the hard work

• You cannot spot reduce fat on your body. Once you start losing weight your body will choose where it wants to lose weight, you can strengthen and tone areas however.

• There is no such thing as ‘try’ you either ‘do’ or ‘don’t’. You MUST DO to cause change

• You cannot improve/help something you dislike (i.e. your body, yourself)

• Unhealthy eating and lack of exercise can cause you an early death. YOU CAN KILL YOURSELF…. seriously.

• No one is going to save you… you have to help yourself

• You are worth the effort

• Life is short and will wait for no one

• Life is also a precious gift to be enjoyed to the fullest

• You CAN do it. You just chose not to in the past. DO IT NOW!

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