Nicole’s Diary – success for a chocoholic

February 3, 2012 Suzie

Ok, Suzie wasn’t kidding when she said she is yet to unleash her full PT power on me!

After my first session that I mentioned in my last post, I hobbled around for a good few days. I’ve had sore muscles before, but nothing like what I experienced. Needless to say squats are not my friend! I almost shudder to think of what’s to come! Pain is gain, right?

I’ve now had three sessions with Suzie and have made some major changes, particularly to my diet. I used to hate water, but I am now drinking over a litre a day on Suzie’s recommendation. I have a 600ml bottle on my desk at work and make sure it’s empty before I head to lunch and again before I head home. At first I was freaking out my co-workers out with my many, many trips to the bathroom during the day, but my body seems to have adjusted now. I’ve also been getting lots of compliments on how great my skin looks and feels, so it’s been definitely worth the change! Water drinking on the weekend is still a challenge (did someone say cocktails?) but I’m getting there!

I’m also happy to report that over the past week and a half I’ve cut down my chocolate consumption. I had serious withdrawals the first couple of days while trying to wean myself off my one-freddo-a-day habit (the shame!), but the longer I go without it, the easier it’s getting. I did have three lindt balls in a slight moment of weakness but I sort of felt afterwards that I didn’t really need them. For any chocoholics out there I would seriously recommend steering clear of sugar-free dark chocolate.  Regardless of how big the craving is, it will leave you bitterly disappointed!

I’m also loving that not one session has been the same as the other. Last week was boxing, this week was weights… I’m definitely not bored!

So, that was all the easy stuff. What’s been hard? Fitting in extra exercise. I have one hour a week with Suzie, plus a specially designed program to complete myself at least three times a week. How much time have I completed a session on my own? Zero. I’ve had work functions and commitments every night after work and am struggling to fit in exercise. A very wise man I know has suggested that I get off the train a stop earlier and walk, but so far it seems I have left my motivation each morning at home, tucked up and snoring in bed. I know that my diet is looking great, but I think extra exercise is what’s really going to give my body the kick it needs. I’ve promised that I’ll do my program after a dinner out tonight – now I’ve just got to hold myself to it!