Should being fat be illegal?

December 8, 2011 Suzie


I have to say I find this news clip very interesting. I have always liked the fact that in Japan they force workers to stop what they’re doing and exercise. I just love it, it may be wrong, it may be taking away people’s rights, their freedom etc. But I have to say I love the idea.

I’ve come in contact with so many office workers through my corporate training groups and they all have one thing in common. That one thing is a complaint, or excuse rather, they don’t have enough time for their health or fitness. I understand how that happens, unless you have solid committment to training and your health it can slip down the priority list when things get busy. I find it so sad that we (Australia) have allowed our people to get this way (overworked and obese).

In the news report it showed a lunch room which only serves traditional Japanese cuisine which is low in calories. It has been the introduction of Western food that has seen their waistlines increase.

Whilst i’m not sure how I feel about the fines involved, I do like the idea of incorporating health awareness and exercise into the working day. With so many benefits to the company for having healthy staff (less sick days/injuries/stress)  it makes sense for a company to invest in the health of it’s workers.

What do you think about this? Absurd or a good idea? Would something like this ever work in Australia?