Stretches for a flexi, long, relaxed body

June 6, 2012 Suzie

The impact of stretching on the body is amazing. Who would think that moving your body into a position and holding it could have such a big impact. It  requires virtually no effort which sounds appealing right?

It is an expectation that all my clients include stretching when doing their programs. In fact I write it in their program books as a must and go through all stretches to make sure it’s drummed into them. Why? Because when you exercise your muscles contract and shorten, if you do not stretch out and lengthen those muscles then you are going to stiffen up and reduce your flexibility.

Why does that matter? When you have limited flexibility  it restricts movement patterns, think about squatting, getting up off the floor, sitting on the toilet, reaching your arms above your head, bending over to pick something up, walking properly… yep, all these things and many more are affected by your flexibility.

Want the good news? It is actually one of the easiest things to improve compared to fitness and strength! Consistency is key, by consistantly stretching you will notice a difference in your range of motion (ROM) your posture and freedom of movement. You can also improve it at any age, so no excuses for those in the upper range of the age scale.

Below I have included basic full body stretches. I recommend all of them but if you’re lacking time focus on the tigher areas. For a lot of people this usually includes the hamstrings/glutes/hip flexors and backs, especially for office workers. Ensure you stretch after every workout, always do your static stretches on warm muscles.



To be done after every workout. Make sure you don’t stretch cold, do not bounce or drop into stretches, ease into them. Hold each stretch for 20-30seconds. Repeat 1-2 times.


•    In a standing position pick up your foot and bring it towards you bum
•    Keep knees close together, pelvis forward standing up straight
•    To target different sections change direction of foot to outside and towards the body


•    Soleus –  place half the length of one foot against a wall, then proceed to lean body forward with leg straight for desired intensity
•    Gastroc – hands on wall or rail, take big step back with one foot, keep back heel on floor and leg straight, step far enough away to feel a stretch down the lower half of your leg


Hip flexor
•    Kneeling down take big step forward with one foot, keep leg  at 90degree angle
•    Ease pelvis forward tucking the glute in, straight back, chest up
•    For more intensity rotate body toward knee with arms outstretched


•    From hip floxor stretch position straighten front leg
•    Bend over easing bodyweight over the leg
•    You control intensity by how low you hover over the front leg


Glute Maximus
•    Lying down on your back
•    Bring one knee into your chest as far as you can
•    One hand continues to hug the knee the other holds the ankle, angling it in towards the chest
•    Play around with the angle until you feel a stretch right across the backside area


•    One leg bent, foot on flat on floor
•    Place opp ankle on knee
•    One hand holds ankle the other pushes the knee towards the ground


Lower back
•    Lying on your back legs bent, arms outstretched in line with shoulder
•    Take your knees and drop them over to one side
•    Turn your head and look the opposite way
•    Lengthen top leg and angle it until you feel a nice twist in your back


QL (quadratus lumborum, lower side of back)
•    Sitting on floor, one leg straight, other bent in foot resting against inner thigh
•    With opposite hand pick up knee and angle it towards the body
•    Other arm (knee side) forms a C shape  reaching over the body
•    Play around with angle until you can feel it in lower back region


Latissimus dorsi
•    Holding onto a rail with both hands, feet hip width apart
•    Lower  yourself back until you are almost in a squatting position, sit your weight in your hips
•    Play around with the angle until you feel it stretching and lengthening your back


•    Straighten one arm and cross your it over your chest straight
•    With opposite arm, fold up around arm pulling it away from the body


Chest (pec major + minor)
•    Stand next to a pole or corner of a wall, place arm 90degrees flat
•    Feet are slightly turned out
•    Proceed to rotate your body away from the wall until you feel a stretch along your chest


•    take one arm up straight above head
•     fold at elbow down to reach back
•    With opposite hand pull elbow slightly to opposite side of body


Upper trapezeus
•    Stand with one arm straight palm flexed straight, other hand placed lightly on side of head
•    Gently pull head in opposite direction whilst lowering shoulder to towards the ground

To see photos for the above stretches, check out our static stretches section via the drop down exercise menu on our homepage

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